Thursday, July 21, 2011

To the Birthday Girl

So she's going to hate this. She has this whole i-hate-to-be-the-center-of-attention issue.

But in honor of my best friend’s birthday I have to start the celebration with this post about one of the most amazing women I have ever met.

I love the movie "It's A Wonderful Life," actually - it’s my favorite movie of all time. I love the idea that one life can have such a profound impact on the world. Change countless lives...
I remember being fascinated by the "butterfly effect" when I first heard of it as a child.
“When a butterfly flaps its wings in one part of the world it can cause a hurricane in another part of the world.  “

And it got me thinking. About what would have happened if…
I had never crunched my way through her chocolate cake filled with bay leaves An expensive perfume hadn’t been used as bathroom spray.
She hadn’t been my partner in crime in stalking a famous “David”
Or helped kick men out of mothers lounges
What if there had been no talking under blankets
Or crying long distance
No packages after announcements
And after losses
What if we hadn’t annoyed about 28,164 people with our movie photo shoots
 Or what if she hadn’t been living with me the day my world came crashing down… and my air conditioning went cranking up?
What if she hadn’t patiently persisted when I closed her out…
Or gotten mad for me -when I couldn't
What if there hadn’t been any stinky muumuu nights
Cheese Danishes
Blanket burning parties
Bridal show getaways
Or purses full of lamb.
What would my world look like without a women who believed in me when I couldn’t for myself?
Who sees the best in me 
Who sits in darkened chapels with me
Who listens when I ramble
Or cry
Who teaches me about tolerance, kindness, unconditional love
And really good ice cream.

I don’t know. I am glad I don’t have to know. My life will forever be changed because of her. And I will forever be grateful for her and the “leafy” chocolate cake that brought us together.

 A little video of total humiliation and embarassment...


  1. I'm mostly curious about the bay leaves in the cake

  2. that video is all sorts of awesome & i appreciate that you're willing to take one for the team and be equally embarrassed by posting it!!

    i just took the time to read {more detailed} through what you wrote and seriously...i teared up and realized just how much we've been through together!

    thank you for changing my life for the better. i honestly can say that i would not have had the courage to push myself & changing the way that i have without not only your support, but without you paving the way & doing it first.

    you are an amazing person and an even better friend. and YES i am embarrassed that there is a blog posting with my enormous face on it, but i will accept shenanigans like this only from you. :)

    and the bay leaves...what can i say? we like to eat things healthy around the strader house. wink.

  3. Happy Birthday to your best friend...she is beautiful! It's so nice to have someone to share everything with, even if it IS bay leaves in a cake!

  4. Wow, that video made my day!! I needed that laugh today- so thank you, girls!! That trip was soo fun and I wish I could be with the two of you more often for more fun times like that! Happy Birthday to Lynsey! I am so grateful to see the kind of friendship you two have and that you have had each other in some really rough times! Love you two!

  5. I have to leave a special happy birthday shoutout--and just say that I am SO happy that you two have been so close--I truly believe there is nothing of chance in you two living close by each other now. You are both amazing people who I truly feel honored to know!

  6. What a sweet tribute to your friend and your friendship. That video really made me laugh. You are a hoot.

  7. I love it! How beautiful! And the video is epic.

  8. mentally unstable
