Friday, February 20, 2009

Dear Blog,
Please forgive me for neglecting you for so long. I have been up to my eyeballs in muscles and bones. Well that is to say, I have been immersed in my school. Don' t worry - I will always love you more. They want my undivided attention - my classes are a jealous lot- and nothing makes them angrier than my wandering eye. Even now, I am hiding to get this little note out. I can hear Exam 3 calling my name and she is getting close. No matter how hard I hide, they always find me. Believe me, I have thought of you so many times lately. I wanted to tell you about Valentines and Katie's Shower. I knew you would love the story of Ethan's artistic meltdown and Tyler has had so many shenanigans that I have just been dying to tell you. Well they have found me, they are angry - How dare I take time for myself when there is anatomy to be learned?I will leave you with a picture - a brief moment of escape from last night. We had so much fun enjoying our new fire pit, a whole 30 minutes of amazing freedom before blasted nutrition caught up with me.
Your Tired Friend

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I suffer from Road Rage...if I am driving for ten hours I am fine...just give me some tunes and Diet Coke and it will be a splendid day. But if I have to sit clogged behind hundreds of crawling cars, all slowing down to look at the crash on the right...oh watch out baby!! You have not seen wrath until you've seen me in traffic.

I hate the amount of time it takes for the computer to startup. I push the green button and sit and sit and begin to fossilize and then sit more. Take 1000 years multiply it by 1000000000 and that is how long it takes for my computer to start up.

My OB's office is so slow. I don't mind the waiting room - there are magazines and people to watch and usually a few toys for the kiddos to play with. But then they take me back to the examining room and there we sit. The kids get into things that the sign on the wall commands they shouldn't. There are no magazines. No people to stare at. No toys. Just me, two boys whose voices reverberate off the walls of that cracker box of a room and everyone in a ten mile radius hears Tyler announce, "I have no underwares Momma! I have naked bum!"

My stove is slow. I love glass tops but I swear it takes FOR_EV_ER to boil water. Tyler is begging for Ramen and we are still waiting for the water to boil...he starts kindergarten...goes on his first date...mission has come and gone and the water, well it's starting to get warm. I could cook it with my anger faster.

So are you getting my point. Patience is a that I am still working on. So you can imagine my strees and impatience after three years...three

Chasing Fireflies

A Novel of Discovery
by: Charles Martin

They have one summer to find what was lost long ago.

"Never settle for less than the truth," she told him. But when you don't even know your real name, the truth gets a little complicated. It can nestle so close to home it's hard to see. It can even flourish inside a lie. And as Chase Walker discovered, learning the truth about who you are can be as elusive--and as magical--as chasing fireflies on a summer night.

I loved this book. I think it is now one of my favorites. I laughed and cried with the characters in the book. Very heart-wrenching story about a little boy who is mute and an orphan, a man who has looked for his "real" parents his whole life and a man who takes both these special boys into his home and raises them as his own.

You gotta read this one!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Strange times in Arizona. Is that Snow? Nope - the hailstorm today gave my boys the closest they will ever get to snow in Casa Grande Arizona.


Strange times in Arizona. Is that Snow? Nope - the hailstorm today gave my boys the nearest they will ever get to snow in Casa Grande Arizona. They tried to have a snow ball fight but...well they said it hurt too much

The Story of Edgar Sawtelle

I finally finished it and it was certainly worth my time. I am sure some of you were faster at reading it than I. I must admit, I read two other books and listened to four while attempting to get through it.
It was easy to see why it was an Oprah Book Club selection. It was beautifully written and the story flows nicely. You can almost feel the mosquitos biting as you go through the adventures of Edgar and your heart goes out to him as he struggles with his feelings and emotions of losing his father and his relationship with Claude.
If you haven't started yet, make sure you read the preface so the end will make sense. I enjoy a story that wraps you up in details and emotions and even though you know this is how it might end are surprised by how it does, because it isn't what you wanted. Edgar Sawtelle is just that kind of book. I was sad to see it end.