Sunday, May 7, 2017

Day 2 I don't remember

I love a challenge to write. Its so incredibly therapeutic for me. Can almost feel magical. Like discovering new parts of my brain - my soul. So in an effort to write more I am joining Ann Dee Ellis in a memoir writing experience. 
From her Day 2 prompt:

Day 2: "I don't remember". Today is opposite day! Same rules as last time. Write "I don't remember" at the top of your page. Eight minutes, no stopping, don't think about it too much--let yourself go and whatever shows up on the page shows up. No censoring or editing. If you end up with a list or go off topic, that's fine. 

I don’t remember.

Okay kids, this one is for you.

I know someone who just discovered their mom’s journals. Their mom isn’t here anymore and the journals were a life changing discovery…unearthing buried treasure.
I am sure I won’t die young or tragically. I will live forever and you’ll end up changing my diapers.
But on the off chance you ever need some advice from me and I am not around – this one is for you.
I do not remember what I wore to high school. Ever.
Well, that is not true. I have seen pictures and so I am pretty sure at some point there was a lot of white eye shadow, overalls and some unfortunate looking flare jeans worn. But this is not in my memory. It’s just in a picture.
 And I can honestly say I do not remember what anyone else wore. Not one person in 4 years of school – I do not remember what they wore.
But I do remember the things I didn’t do. I remember really wanting to move. To run cross-country or sing in a musical. I remember wanting to be seen and to push myself. But fear got in the way. I let fear stop me. And that is crystal clear in my memory.
I really like me now – and I did not really like me then. Then I felt very not enough
Kids – sweet, strong, hilarious, darling boys and girl of mine – do what you want. Listen to the whispers inside of you and do it.
Be bold and brave and live this life you waited so long to get to live. You will not regret that.
I promise you.
All my love.