Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Family

I have a confession. I watch Jon and kate Plus Eight....I used to call is a guilty pleaseure. Now I think a better description would be it's my "guilty little torture." Painful. Horrific.

The new title should be :

Jon and Kate Plus Hate ....or better yet

Jon and Eight Minus Kate.... or

Jon and Kate: Why America is Falling Apart..... or

The Gosselins: An American Tradegy....I'm on a roll...How about

Jon and Kate and the kids who will need some serious therapy...

I am sure your all far too sane to keep watching this disaster called reality TV. But common sense hasn't always been my "thing" and so I sit glued each Monday night after Family Home Evening watching the demise of a family of ten. Last week preston had to take the remote away. He said it wasn't "healthy" for me. Healthy -Smealthy... I can't stop. I keep hoping that someone in that group will grow up. Take charge and take care of this family they have. But alas,

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Interesting conversation with Tyler

Ty and I were reading a book. It talked about how Mom's and Dad's love their children and will always protect was really pretty sweet and so when I was done reading it I said to Tyler," Tyler, do you know that you are one of the most important people in my world. Do you know that I love you and will always take care of you?"

Tyler said, "Yes. I know dat...and if a bad guy comes you will give me a big sword and I will cut off hims arms and den hims legs and den hims eyeballs and den hims head. I will cut all dose things off dats how I will take care of you. That's what you mean when you say you will take care of me?"

So there I sat - my mouth hanging open. Who is this kid. Where on Earth did he learn that. I think I may have missed that episode of "Handy Manny." "Uhh, yeah Ty, sure, I guess I can take of you like that. Yep. I am real good with a sword. Professional actually."

Friday, June 19, 2009

Almost 2 months! I can't believe it has been that long. How on Earth do I capture two months worth of life and memories in one measly blog post. As much as I would love to do "The Month of No Blog...Part One," "The Month of No Blog Part Two"...and continue filling you in on all the intimate details you are just dying to know about the Golding's and their captivating lives - well... I know that won't be happening. July 17 is my personal Independence Day. The day my tortuous summer of school ends - but until then this photo essay of the last months of our lives will have to do.