Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hmmm. I wrote this amazing update post. Pulitzer Prize winning material here, folks. Then I walked away. And Tyler “trouble, mischief, and shenanigans are my middle name” Golding came into my bedroom and that masterpiece of a post is missing.  I just know I won’t be able to re-write it. I could try and try and it will never come close to its original grandeur.  I mean, I am not DaVinci folks; I only have so many masterpieces in this little head of mine.
And so…I am not even going to attempt it. I am just going to type out the  darn update… However, I ask that you forgive the grumpy nature of this post (you would be grumpy too if your son just destroyed your masterpiece) and forgive the boringness…
So here it is in all is boring glory!
I have decided we need to update the blog. (There was some sort of clever reason for this in the original genius post.) 
Tyler. What should I say about Tyler?  Well, aside from the fact that he is a sneak who just deleted his momma’s masterpiece… (Like I said…forgive the grumpiness)
In all seriousness, Tyler is such a joy to me. He is my little partner everyday while Ethan is in school. If you were to ask me, what Tyler would be when he grows up I would probably say a sword fighter. I mean, that kid can turn any object into a sword and I often glimpse him in my rearview mirror staging imaginary sword fights in the back seat. However, since he has seen the movie “Sandlot,” I may have to change my vote to baseball player. He now turns everything into a bat and often asks me if I would like him to give me baseball lessons.
 He is funny, cuddly, smart, and HUGE. Tyler is growing like a weed. He is basically the same size as Ethan – although I still insist on them each having their own clothes. Would you want to wear your little brother’s shorts?
He’s a great helper and is usually the first to volunteer for chores or prayers or eating whatever Ethan and I leave behind. That child is a BOTTOMLESS PITT. I am not kidding when I say that he is eating me out of house and home. Last time I took him to the doctor they asked about his eating habits – “He’s too skinny,” they complained. So I gave them a list of what he had eaten the day before…and the doctor didn’t say another word.
He starts Kindergarten this fall – which I try not to think of too often –and although I will MISS having him here with me I know he is very ready for it….Okay…So just to prove my point. I just heard a bang downstairs and I went down to find Tyler taking a bag of cereal, an apple, and half of a left over pot roast outside to eat. Seriously, this kid can eat!
Lastly, Tyler is the reason I am grateful I took the life saving class last fall. I have had to use (and I mean REALLY use) the Heimlich maneuver on that little fella TWICE since then. He literally has no fear…aside from the fear of someone talking his dinner…and to be honest I am surprised we have not had any major emergencies with him. 
Ethan.Ethan is finishing first grade and is very excited for the summer. Although the year started rocky – he has done really well at school this year and though I am not sure he would admit it to me I actually think he really loves school. He attends a little charter school here in Casa Grande and I am hopeful that I’ll be able to get them both into another charter school this fall after we move.
His favorite subjects are Math and Art. Ethan has been and I think may always be an artist. I can remember him at two correcting my grandpa when he handed him a “gray,” crayon, “Well, actually Grandpa, the color is slate.” Almost every morning I find him up before me creating something. He loves to take old boxes and make games - and though they are fun – it is a bit suspicious that he is usually the only one capable of winning those games.
 Now don’t get me wrong…I love his little masterpieces and I am so happy that he has a creative outlet…However, I do have a newfound respect for mothers of artists. I too have had to learn some art... the art of stain removal. I had to learn – and fast – how to get paint and glue and glitter and marker off ANY surface. Tape is a precious item in this house and one that I have to continually hide. I mean, I think Scotch needs to create some sort of rewards program for their biggest customers…that kid can burn through tape. I no longer have any scrapbook scissors, paper or stickers…they all have slowly made their way into Ethan’s enormous art tubs. But seriously, I think he has a gift for it…and I am happy that he has something that he loves so much. I am just hoping that one day when he strikes it big he will reward his mom for all her pain and suffering.

Andrea.Well, you all probably think I am in nursing school, right?
Wrong!!  I am still a full time student…But in total “Andrea Style” I switched things up at the last second. (Literally, the last second…like 12 minutes before the drop out of nursing school deadline!) It’s a long story and probably one you would find rather uninteresting although I have to say it was pretty riveting to me at the time…So I will just summarize it and say that it was a very tough decision for me to make and although it adds time onto my school career (seriously, do I love torturing myself?) I am certain it is exactly what I need to be doing! So…are you kinda curious? Wanna know what this big career change was?
A circus performer?
No. But that would have been a good back up plan…I mean; do you know anyone who can string floss through her nose as well as me?
I actually am planning to start my Master’s in counseling program next year. I am definitely excited about it (however, not excited about the GRE and countless other hurdles that graduate school will require.) Next to professional reader (which unfortunately I do not think pays anything) or a professional opera singer (and contrary to what I believe - I have been told is not my “forte”) this will be my dream job. So…that’s the scoop on that.
What else is going on with me? Well, I am also planning to start my own bakery business this fall. It is still a work in progress but I hope to be up and running by the time, Tyler starts school. Not only will it give me something to do with the countless cupcakes my baking adventures leave littered all over my house (because seriously, me plus a house full of cupcakes equals major trouble) but also I am hopeful it can help pay the bills and support my shoe habit while in school.
Although I am sure most of you have gathered this fact…it still would not be a complete update on me and my life without mentioning the biggest change in my life.  Preston and I are separated and in the process of divorce. I wish I could say more about it…I hate to leave you all hanging and curious. But for now that is all I really am prepared to share. I know that eventually I will bring more and more of my story to the blog….I really hope that it might help some other woman in my situation. However, for now, I will just say that this journey has been one of the most excruciating of my life and that I am learning daily to surrender and survive. I love the peace I have been given throughout all of this and I am forever grateful to the good friends who have loved me through it.
The boys are adjusting to it all.  I was certain that this was going to be the event that spiraled them into a life of crime, drugs, and piracy…but I am amazed daily at their resilience and marvel at the abilities they have been given. I hate that they have to go through this and would do anything to prevent them this pain…but I have to remind myself daily that He had confidence in their abilities to handle this and my abilities to get them through it.  I think the most important piece for the three of us has been to talk, talk, talk, and talk. I try to spend a little time everyday talking, drawing pictures, or even playing a few games I have discovered to help them open up and share their emotions. It’s a process…with a big learning curve…but we are okay. Okay…and hopeful.
There is it is…a much needed update. I had better save this thing before some sneak comes in here and snatches it again. Seriously, that would be my luck.
Well, if any of you made it through that post…good job. You have officially read the longest post on the internet. You should go eat a cookie or something in reward for your efforts.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

"One of these things is not like the other."

Guess who got into the fountain...
Shocker, I know!

The Weekend

A totally Free weekend. I had some BIG plans.
I was hoping for some....
and maybe a...
but instead went here...
for this...
I did get to read this...
and catch up on a lot of this...
(and believe me that is EXACTLY what I look like while sleeping)

and eat these...
 (thanks Amanda...my stomach thanks you!! My swimsuit...not so much)

And tonight, I get to see these guys...
So overall I would say I am... 

 (BTW...this is supposed to be HAPPY...After I posted it I realized it could be confused with...other emotions/disorders. Hey, it was the best I could do.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


 Tyler just called me a "Fur-ball." When I asked him what he had just called me he said, "Oh, uh, I called you a fur-ball. Fur-ball is how you say I love you in Spanish."

Thursday, April 15, 2010

You know the kid is getting desperate when he just spent the last hour and a half watching my British miniseries with me while I was on the treadmill. Think Pride and Prejudice...but lower budget...much lower.

We are doing a TV detox around here. And Tyler is feeling the pain. I wish you could have been here and heard what the boy was asking me about my show. He was convinced that everyone was poisoning everyone( what can i say...he's an action movie type of guy), he covered his eyes every time a woman's hand was kissed - screaming "GROSS," and yet every time he had to leave the room he INSISTED that I pause the show. He didn't want to miss a minute.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Made me happy…

1 During our lesson when I asked Tyler what he loved about Ethan he replied, “Ummm I love dat Ethan calls me his servant.”

2. Tyler’s over active gag reflex. Whenever we laugh too hard he shouts, “I’m gonna throw up.” And bolts from the room. Tonight when he did this Ethan looked at me and said rather matter-of-factly “Don’t you love how Tyler always pretends he’s going to throw up? Such a cute little guy.” If it wasn’t for the lisp caused from his extreme lack of teeth I would have thought I was talking with a grandpa.

3. Cuddling with my boys and talking about our day.

4. When Tyler said (completely serious) he was “thankful for goofballs, “in his prayer.

5. The way those two make each other laugh.

6. Singing songs with Tyler – while he drummed with a hairbrush, made my necklaces into bells, and did a rather impressive beat box

7. Going to bed early even when there was still homework to be done. HaHaHa I laugh in the face of danger.

8. My sister. Announcing that the “Big News” she had me anticipating was that after much thought and consideration she had “decided to change muffin’s name.” And yes…muffin is her cat.

9. When Ethan tried Salsa, French Fries, and Whipped Cream. Now this may not sound like something to be happy about but for me (a mother to a son who literally only eats noodles, cheese sandwiches, and strawberries) this was a big achievement. I saw the fear and trembling on his face as he tried them – but he did it and I was so proud.

10. Glee

11. That baby Ethan picture. He came in our “pre-digital-camera-era.” So I have very few pictures of him on our computer. I found this one today and had to scan it in. Love that little guy.

12. The look on Tyler’s face when he bit into his first Cadbury Egg. Priceless.