Monday, June 28, 2010

After dinner tonight Tyler announced, "My stomach is now full of JOY!"
"All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another."
 (Notice the happy expressions...not happy about pictures!) 
(The girls and I breaking the place in with a sleepover...straight up middle school style -complete with 5am bedtime.)
The move is finally over. It's still to close to the event for me to say it was easy. But like childbirth I am sure that in six months I will remember it as a wonderful experience. 
But I am happy to say that we are moved in, LOVE our new home and neighborhood, and ADORE the fact that I am 5 minutes from everything...seriously, every store, restaurant, Paris, Disneyland you name it...I can be there in 5 minutes.
And I about burst with pride when I bought my first drill, put all kinds of furniture together and hung my own curtains. I am thinking that at this rate I may be whittling furniture out of beechwood and welding pipe by months end.

Monday, June 14, 2010


Today was a really good day.
And I have to be honest. That statement surprises me. With strep throat, a move that is days away, kids home for the summer and the ever-present school for me, I was expecting...well I WASN'T expecting what I got.
On a whim this morning I said, "Whoever goes downstairs and gets mom the packing tape gets 10 points." There wasn't even a second thought. They thundered down the stairs-lured by these mysterious points.
And so it went. I was amazed at what "points" could get these boys to do. They hauled and packed and scrubbed and tidied. All. Day. LONG. I am not joking. I was even able to get Ethan to try foods he has never eaten before with the promise of 500 points. (for a child who eats 3 things this is a BIG deal)
This evening I took them to the store and they could cash in their points for any ice cream they wanted. They even asked if they could eat out of the carton, "Why's your points," I said.
I don't know how long to expect the "point effect" around here. But it was the miracle I needed today. And if I am lucky...maybe it will work again tomorrow!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Seven Years Ago

Seven years ago...
I met this little guy

And Fell in LOVE...
He Changed My World Forever

Monday, June 7, 2010

It's Official!! The boys and I are moving. I found a cute townhouse in Mesa and we will be moving in sometime next week. We have been in Arizona three and a half years. I was thinking back last night on all that's occurred since we've moved here. And the list is enormous. The boys were just little pipsqueaks when we moved here...Tyler one and Ethan three. Now Tyler is five and Ethan turns seven tomorrow.
And although I was a tad reluctant to move to Casa Grande...I have grown to love it.
The things I love about Casa Grande
  1. The Walmart...filled with so much Casa Grande flavor.
  2. The four restaurants we rotate between
  3. The occasional morning and evening "smells" of cow
  4. The Beautiful Historic Downtown
  5. The Shirtless man who rides all over the neighborhood aboard his tricycle.
I kid, I kid, I actually love Casa Grande and I may have a minor meltdown when it comes time to leave. I have loved the people - I have made lifelong friends here, I love how quite it traffic and insanity. I have loved my ward, and my callings and my house. I really have loved my house. I remember when the house was being built that I drove all the way out here almost daily just to walk through it. It was our first house...and in a lot of ways my first home. 
It is full of memories. Birthday parties, late night painting experiments, sleepovers, baking, dinners with friends, holidays, hospitals, cupcakes, fried turkeys, and LOTS of babysitting, mud fights, and chocolate milk spitballs, heartbreaks, and best friends, college and kindergarten, and learning. I have learned more in the last three years than I can possible put words to. I am packing and trying not to lose my mind. I don't know who decides to move in the middle of her summer semester... I am also preparing for a huge Yard Sale on the 26th of if your in the area stop on by!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

We all know there can be too much of a good thing. ( This lesson I leaned in 6th grade with an unfortunate Sour Cream and Onion Chips incident.)
can become this...
And this...
Can turn into this...
Or this...
Can turn into this...
(I joke, I joke, nothing too wrong with this. Well....)
And this...
Can turn into this...

I happened to learn all about this two years ago. I read somewhere about the "dangers" of sugar and decided to do a detox and completely stop sugar in my diet. And aside from the first week of headaches and grumpiness it was AMAZING. I felt so so good. I slept better and had more energy. My skin looked better and I lost weight almost effortlessly. It was a cool discovery. And surprisingly it was something I was able to maintain for more than just  a few weeks. I eventually worked sugar back into my diet but with moderation.
However, after last fall's invitro attempt and this year's "events" I have found myself creeping back into my old ways. Too much sugar.
And I don't like the way I feel. Now being familiar with the way my body feels when its filled with good things I hate the sluggish and lethargic state its in after regular sugar consumption.
So...I have decided to tackle this one - once again. This year and all the changes in my life have given me a good opportunity for "tune ups." I decided that I wanted to use this time to reflect upon my "stuff." To examine and strengthen my Achilles Heel...or Heels.You know, being our best selves...the Best Andrea Possible. I've been trying to work on something new every month...
So...this month I am doing a sugar detox. My friend Lynsey is joining me and we will be keeping each other accountable. Goodness knows I will need some accountability. My first day at ASU is I know that stress will push me to the cookie jar. I'll post and let you know how its going along the way.