Monday, June 28, 2010

"All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another."
 (Notice the happy expressions...not happy about pictures!) 
(The girls and I breaking the place in with a sleepover...straight up middle school style -complete with 5am bedtime.)
The move is finally over. It's still to close to the event for me to say it was easy. But like childbirth I am sure that in six months I will remember it as a wonderful experience. 
But I am happy to say that we are moved in, LOVE our new home and neighborhood, and ADORE the fact that I am 5 minutes from everything...seriously, every store, restaurant, Paris, Disneyland you name it...I can be there in 5 minutes.
And I about burst with pride when I bought my first drill, put all kinds of furniture together and hung my own curtains. I am thinking that at this rate I may be whittling furniture out of beechwood and welding pipe by months end.


  1. seriously andrea, you don't even begin to give yourself enough credit for that move. you single-handedly did it ALL! while still doing school, having the kids full-time AND having strep throat on top of it?? (aside from having a few men show up on the actual day to hoist up the big items of what they called "the most organized move they've ever seen.")

    i wish we could have been there more to help you and also wish that you would have had more family support from those who should have done something...ANYTHING. (a phone call to make sure you were alive was the least that could have been done. don't get me started on them helping with your kids, or with the move. whatever. i digress.)

    your new place is BEAUTIFUL and just so you! i'm so happy we're closer now & mostly glad that you have a fresh new start.

    even though your boys may not look the happiest in those pictures i know they are happy and blessed to have a beautiful home & you as a mom!

    i can't wait for the next sleepover with the 3 amigas & the sleep deprivation that will follow. :)

    love ya!

    p.s. your sandals are sexy. ;)

  2. Andrea- I also dig those sandals! Congrats on a move completed and a new beginning. I love the quote you chose. It almost made me cry. This nomadic life is tough sometimes. Don't get me wrong, it is fun and exciting, too, but I do feel like I have left a part of myself at each of the 11 places we have moved from. Yesterday the kids said goodbye to some friends who are moving before us and the kids were so sad. (Begin sad country music) . . "How can I help you to say goodbye? It's ok to hurt. It's ok to cry. Come let me hold you .. ." Ah, nothing like a country song to wallow in:)

  3. I was trying to look at your pictures, but (as I am sure you remember) my computer cannot load them. Perhaps you should write a blog entry about jumping the fence to the neighborhood pool. Perhaps.
