Monday, July 25, 2011

Obviously this one hits close to home...

I watched this tonight. I have a Roku player and LOVE it. I use it for netflix and pandora and amazon on demand and facebook and a trillion other things. I just discovered that I can get BYU TV on it and the "Mormon" channel. Which means I can access all of these amazing-inspiring videos. Its a good way for me to start my day...focused.

I watched this today. I didn't cry. I just ached. It's a deep ache that I am not sure will ever go away - no matter how much time passes or how much healing takes place. A knife wound can heal - but there will always be a scar.

I wish I could speak to anyone struggling with this. Look them in the eyes and tell them what I know. I know its hard. I know that addiction - any addiction - is difficult - possibly more difficult than I will ever understand. I wish I could show them where it leads. How it a car with no brakes until it crashes and kills.
Poison that consumes and destroys everyone it touches.
Hurts and breaks hearts.
And families
And children
I wish I could let you glimpse what it has done to me and countless others  just like me.
There is another way - you are not in control -  but there is One who is.


  1. I cried. Not as strong as you are! Hope you are doing good overall. I would love to get together sometime!!! We live kind-of close now:)

  2. I cried too :( Very powerful, thank you for sharing.

  3. Wow, that definitely brought tears to my eyes. I love what you said, so true -- we have to hand our lives over to God.

  4. That was awesome! I love that talk too. What a good video.

  5. not sure there are any words for this video. you are an amazing woman and you have gone through so much...but look at where you are and how far you have come! You are an amazing mother and such an example to me. Keep it up Andrea! YOU ROCK!

  6. Andrea, you don't know me. I was roommates with Rachel Chick and a friend of Ben Strader's @ BYUI. After one sad blog post of my own, Lynsey suggested I read your blog. I want you to know (and hope you don't mind) that I look forward to reading your blog and that it has helped me to see such a beautiful, strong, and uplifting person fighting some of the same struggles that I have been. I think our histories are much different, but I just want you to know you've touched my heart and given me some hope.

    Sarah Hartshorn

  7. OH my! really touching..made me cry.=( super love your blog.

  8. OH my! that was absolutely wonderful. .so touching.
