Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Color Coded Closets and Robert Redford

Leaving my old house and my AMAZING closet was a little heartbreaking to this woman who loves her shoes to be organized. And so...finally after a year of closet chaos I organized. And although it's still tragically small (did I really just use the word tragic in reference to my closet...) it makes me so happy every time I open it and see those neat little rows. Here is a picture of half of my closet in all her organized glory. (the other half looks just as lovely...)
You know I have entirely too much time on my I-am-out-of-school-hands when I am posting pictures of my closet.

Also, I watched "The Horse Whisperer" for the first time today. Where have I been the last 13 years since it came out??
  Let me say I now officially have a crush on Mr. Robert Redford. Bye Bye Ryan Reynolds...Robert has taken your place. You may think that is sick...that he is too old for me. But to that  I say - his body may be old but his soul is still young.
Give me a clean closet and Robert Redford on a horse and I am one happy lady.

See this is what happens when I am out of school....its not pretty I tell you.


  1. Have you seen him in Butch Cassidy & Sundance Kid? At his cutest, for sure. OH, even better, in The Sting.

  2. No I haven't...but after today's encounter with him in The Horse Whisperer I am renting all his movies. Robert Redford weekend here I come!!

  3. Robert Redford is TOTALLY hot. As is Paul Newman --- which is why Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid is a great movie. That -- and it's just a great movie. :) I love your closet, by the way. :)

  4. I think you do have too much free time on your hands. Robert Redford was alright to look at back in the day, but to look at him now? Well, I think he looks like a really old man that has too much loose, old skin creepin on his body. Kinda like Clint Eastwood. I don't think they have aged well. I know someone that can let you and the boys ride some horses!!! Can't wait for you to get back in school!! I'm getting worried for you. :) ha ha

  5. HAHAHA! You are gonna LOVE this then: My mom was Robert Redfords secretary a loong time ago- he was still famous at the time- my mom LOVES to tell us kids how famous we are by association- maybe I can get you the hookup.:)

  6. Seriously Brittany. I am dying!! I need to meet him. I told my sister that meeting Robert is now on my 100 things to do before I die list!!

  7. those older guys know charm that the youngers one just can't pull off!!!!

  8. I agree. Very good looking. Along with Sean Connery and Harrison Ford (pre-Calista Flockhart)
