Thursday, May 5, 2011

Over and Out

This will have to do until my graduation next Friday. Anyway, I can always use an excuse to put this picture up. Isn't he adorable!!
 Today I finished my undergraduate career. It was a big deal when I submitted that last exam. Bigger than I thought it would be.

There were a lot of years where I didn't think this would happen. I was knee deep in life and kids and babysitting and although I ALWAYS had this dream of doing this - Always wanted it -Just wasn't sure it would happen.

And then it did. I finished. And got all my final grades today. So its official. Nothing can stop it now. I kept thinking I was going to get this call telling me there was a big mistake and I was a credit short. But its really happening.

I get a whole three weeks off before my Masters program starts. I am going to really "live it up" these three weeks. Doing crazy things like sleeping in(well until I have to take the boys to school :) and refinishing dressers and baking - you know crazy things like that...we single moms really know how to have a good time.

Tyler will be graduating here soon. And I want to get a picture with me and the boys in our caps and gowns. The boys will not like this idea. This is the kind of thing that puts them in very GRUMPY moods. But this is the kind of thing that makes moms very happy. So be looking for that. A picture with me in my cap and gown smiling ear to ear - while Ty and Ethan are in their caps and gowns looking very very annoyed.


  1. Congrats! And Hooray for baking and refinishing furniture!

  2. SO PROUD OF YOU! Can't wait to see those mom-forced photos that we all love! I do the SAME thing! :)

  3. YEAH!!!!!! I'm so proud of you! You have a personal cheer squad that's been cheering you and we will all continue as you go into the masters. I'm actually a little jealous, I miss school. Let me know how the baking, sleeping in and refinishing furniture goes, haven't done that in a long time. live it up for us all. love tyra

  4. What an accomplishment Andrea!!! Your proof that nothing can get in your way when you put your mind to it! All your hard work and persistence has paid off! CONGRATS, you deserve it!!! *Cami

  5. Congratulations! So happy for you and wish you the best of luck with Grad School.
