Saturday, April 30, 2011

Happiness is...

 Because happiness is what I felt when I found out I live just minutes from sno cones! Oh how I have missed sno cones for the 4 1/2 years I have lived in Arizona. So needless to say as soon as I found out I had to get one. Summer will be a much happier place now!! 

 ‘Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it.’ - Groucho Marx


Feeling Blessed.

Remembering how blessed I am. Sometime I forget. I think that’s normal. To forget how amazing my life is. How painfully, beautifully perfect it is. And then I look around. And sit and feel and remember how amazing life can be.
I am blessed.

Blessed to know the source of Peace. Blessed to really really know this. And know, that no matter what. I can always find peace in Him.

Blessed to have these little boys. I have such a bright hope for them. For the men they are going to be. The lives they are going to lead. The things they will learn and discover and become. There is this line in a movie that always makes me roll my eyes. The lead character says to the woman he loves, “You Complete Me.” I don’t think it works that way. No one can complete you. That is something you have to be on your own first…But these boys…they COMPLETE ME. They give me this picture of what God must feel for His children. This belief in unconditional love. I love that Ethan gets in my bed early every morning and we read “Harry Potter.”  Although this means I am waking up an hour before I” have” to I LOVE every minute of it. It’s our time. And I love that. Love watching his cute little eyes widen during the intense parts and love his little giggle at the silly parts. Ethan – one day when you read this – I want you to know how very much your mom loves you. Every little bit of you.  And the more I know you, see the challenges that are yours to face – the more excited I am to see you develop into who you are meant to be. 

Blessed to have this Tyler boy. I always think to myself, “I know that God loves me…because He gave me Tyler.” Tyler makes you smile. Everyone smiles at Tyler. Because there is something about him. Something so pure and happy and innocent. And it reminds me of everything good.  He loves everyone. Sees everyone as a “new friend” and he is fiercely loyal and protective of those he loves. When a neighbor girl told him he had a “small mom” (whatever that means??) it broke his heart. He came home crying that he could never play with her again because she “was saying mean things about my mommy.” Yes I am blessed to have Tyler.
Blessed by the temple. And what it means for me. I was in the Salt Lake and Mesa temples this week and reminded again of how bright and beautiful life can really be.

Blessed by friends. Good and loyal and constant. Who teach me and love me. And in many ways save me. 

Gratitude changes everything. I think it could possibly be the secret to life. I have days where things just feel hard. Uncomfortable and uphill and frustrating. But then I take a closer look. Looking away from those hills… And then I see my bed with clean sheets, or while taking out the trash catch sight of this amazing sunset. I float in a swimming pool while Ty tries to jump and “sink mom.”  I smell clean boys after a bath or listen to music that makes me sing too loud and more than a little off key. I sit on my porch with a Popsicle in one hand and a book in another and think about what happiness is. And know that I don’t have to “wait” any longer for it to come. “It” is already here.  And as long as I choose it…it’s not going anywhere.


  1. You are such a beautiful person, Andrea. This is something my mom has tried to ingrain in me all of my life. Our life is what we choose it to be. Happy or sad, successful or failure. It's what we choose. What we see. My life is so much better for, like you, realizing that happiness is within my control - regardless of circumstances.

    Thank you for sharing your sweet perspective today. It is such a good reminder. Such a wonderful testimony. Thank you, thank you for all you share.

  2. Bahama bucks? Is that bahama bucks? I seriously love their sno cones!

    Seriously though, you really are amazing! I am so impressed with your attitude. I really need to be more like you. And maybe I would if I had a sno cone :)

    And I'm pretty sure I might need some oregano's for my birthday in a few weeks...

  3. i think a little paragraph dedicated to carlos would have been appropriate...

  4. And I am blessed to have a cat named Carlos. A sister who keeps me sane and makes me laugh. And a niece and nephew (on the way) who I love more than anything!

  5. Andrea, I missed something. You're not in Arizona anymore? Where the heck are ya? As usual, I love gleaning wisdom from your posts- thanks for sharing.

    I finally updated my blog (just in time for baby #5) Check it out!

  6. love this one!

    the perspective we have no matter what is what makes us into either really great people, or really sad people. i'm grateful for you! and a reminder of how wonderful life can be when i don't look at it through my sometimes stained lens.

    AND...wouldn't that sno cone taste just a little bit better if it had been purchased out of the bigger-than-lifesize cardboard cutout of ben strader's face?

    AND...i have never heard you sing off-key.

  7. you just made my mother's day. that was the best thing and most inspiring thing I've heard all day. Thanks for the reminder and your example. I'm going to try and "think about what happiness is" more often.

  8. Andrea, you are the best! :) Thanks so much for the reminder to be grateful for all of the wonderful things around us, and that no matter what our circumstances, we have so much to be thankful for, and there is so much happiness and peace to be felt .. Love you!! ~ Alicia
