Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Not so true confessions...

The other night when we opened the freezer for our treat the ice cream was gone. It had been there the night before and now it was gone! So we went to the usual suspects and began investigating. Both swore that they had no idea what happened to the ice cream. Ethan even said, "Dad, you were the first one up...maybe you ate it and you don't remember." So smooth these boys - so so smooth...

Preston, in an act of genius, tells the boys that they don't need to worry any more - he will just go up and check the "cameras" and see who has been sneaking into our house and stealing our ice cream.

"Ummmm da what cameras?" Tyler asks - panic beginning to set in.

"Oh, I have cameras all over the house so I will just check who ate the ice cream."

I am starting to wonder if this is such a good idea... when Tyler belts out,

"Okay it was me...I ate da ice cream." And when we asked how much he ate, " Ummmm like maybe 11 scoops?"

WHAT?? My four year old - who by the way is SKINNY - ate an entire half gallon of ice cream and then threw away the evidence.

Preston, loving his new found power asks, "Is there anything else you want to tell me before I go check the cameras."

Well the flood gates opened. We got confessions of children getting into makeup, breaking and hiding the remote - you name it...

However, this is when the story starts to get interesting. Have any of you ever seen on the news of innocent people confessing to crimes they never committed? Apparently it quite common - anyway, that is what began happening last night. Tyler then confesses that he, "punched someone in the eyeball." Well, that sounded pretty terrible to me and so I asked with much concern, "Who? Who got punched in the eyeball."

"Ummm, I don't know him name. He was upstairs and he was a little boy with a black shirt on." Let me be clear - there were no little boys with black shirts on. Tyler then continued to confess pulling hair, kicking legs, and hurting the little boy in black. Who is this boy? Why did Tyler feel the need to keep confessing? I have no idea. Preston and I had to leave the room we were laughing so hard.

All day today I have seen them looking for the cameras. Part of me wants to tell them - but another part can't wait to hear more confessions over diner tonight!


  1. I had to comment on this post. I had a good laugh! I would have been thinking the same thing you did about whether that was such a good idea. I will have to try that out on my 4 year old! I wonder how long he will keep looking for cameras before he forgets :)

  2. Nice thinking on your feet Preston! I'll have to give that one a try.

  3. Andrea, you and Preston have empowered parents everywhere with this "camera idea"! So thanks NOW and thanks in another year, when Siena will start having a guilty conscience.

  4. Oh you are back I have missed you so much I am glad your studys are over I have my friend back and I LOVE the BLOG
