Monday, December 29, 2008

Our Luck

Preston spent a large portion of his Saturday detailing the inside of the van. He literally cleaned every nook and cranny. We joked that every time he washed the outside it rained ( a rare thing in Arizona) and we wondered what would happen to the inside now that he scrubbed it...

Well, I will tell you what happened. Less than 48 hours later Tyler, who is almost 4, threw up for the first time in his entire life all over the inside. Seriously I couldn't stop laughing, poor guy was barfing and I was in hysterics. I think the van must be cursed - and we will have to buy a new car...I'm thinking this one would do just fine


  1. that is a fantastic picture of tyler to go along with the story. poor fella puking...but i had to laugh with the look on his face that was like, "uh, oops." hope he feels better soon. 'tis the season for vomiting.

  2. Awesome!!

    Oh and since you deny us all the chance of seeing a random word by not having word verification, I will go ahead and take the initative and make one up:


  3. I don't think your van is cursed, I think it's Arizona weather in general. That seems to be on going in our family...ever since I was a kid...right when you get around to washing it it rains, or does a light enough sprinkle to really make it look horrible. Poor Tyler. Puking isn't fun for anyone. Hope he feels better pronto, and the van loses the smell...

  4. That is a totally funny story...should be added to the song "ironic"'s like rain (sang, ra-a-ain) on your wedding day, a free ride when you've already paid...

    It's like lots of puke, when your car's just been cleaned...

    sing to that tune...


    Anyway. pretty sure I am not making sense. But thanks for the story anyway;
