Sunday, March 23, 2008

She's BACK!!!

Jane Austen is FINALLY returning to PBS tonight. Emma starring Kate Beckinsale will be airing tonight at 9pm on PBS. I have the popcorn ready!


  1. I am sad to say that I fell asleep in the first 5 minutes and woke up with a stiff neck 4 hours later...I am sure it was good - wish I could have made it through!

  2. I'm not all the way through it, but I will say that I was not swept of my feet by the mr. knightly. He was just okay... Emma was great though

  3. I actually have this one on tape a friend gave to me a few years back and I must agree, Mr. Knightly was definitely NOT my type of Mr. Knightly! I think I liked the Hollywood version better.

  4. I caught the last half of this and really enjoyed it! Yay! I Jane Austen I like! However, I agree with Tierra Lynne - the leading man is much better played in the Hollywood version.
