Monday, March 31, 2008

Book of A Thousand Days

Book of a Thousand Days
by Shannon Hale

What a unique book. I finished this book in the wee hours of the morning and it was great. Dashti, the lady's maid whose book of thoughts is the text for this novel, keeps you reading. Beautifully written, Hale proves herself more and more with each book that she is a gifted writter - a poet. The more book reviews I attempt to write the more I realize that I stink at it. In a nutshell, I loved it...You should read it ...The End.
A Few Real Reviews
*"The author of the Newbery Honor Book Princess Academy offers another captivating fantasy filled with romance, magic, and strong female characters...exotic, fully realized setting; thrilling, enchanted adventure; and heart-melting romance."

*"Hale has created a richly imagined, mythical land...It’s a highly successful romance."
School Library Journal, STARRED REVIEW

*"Hale delivers another winning fantasy. Readers will be riveted...through a series of deceptions, contrivances and a riotously triumphant climax, the tale spins out to a thoroughly satisfying ending."
Publisher's Weekly, STARRED REVIEW

"A rousing, even spellbinding tale...Dashti's voice is bright and true."
Kirkus Reviews

"With such a self-possessed and resourceful heroine and such a rousingly successful trickster caper at the climax, this newest tale takes proud place among Hale’s growing shelf-full of folk-fantasy adventures whose protagonists give “spunk” a good name."
Horn Book


  1. you are such a dork! i love your reviews you always do a great job of explaining why you loved the book & why you didn't. so stop criticizing yourself, you are admired by one and all. the end.

  2. This was great! I loved it and it is a quick easy read.
