Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Cullen Family Portrait

Alright, I hope you don't mind me putting this small post and think I am completely overly obessed w/ Twilight cause that's all I've commented on lately but really mylife does revolve around other things I promise LOL and other books but my little cousin who reads the Twilight series keeps me well Informed day to day on new news and this is kinda big so I thought I would share. If you go to Stephenie Meyers Offical Web page and then hit Movie section, She released the offical movie pictures of the entire Cullen family of what they all look like w/ hair color changes and eyes and everything! So I hope everyone can go cause I can't wait to hear everyones opinions!



  1. I'm just glad someone besides me made a twilight post! I saw the photo and my feelings are as such:
    Love jasper and alice. I think carlisle is also really good- super handsome and yet older looking. Esme..well, I'll have to see more of her. And Rosalie is not at all right. She supposed to be like heart stopping, other worldly beautiful and that girl is pretty ordinary. And does anyone think the emmett guy would make a better edward?

  2. I think w/ Carlisle they hit pretty much close to what I've been picturing and Esme..She'll do. They both look really sweet and sincere and will do the job nicely.
    Alice, I love her hair! I think they hit that one really close. Jaspers hair looks kind of fake but I'll take him too. Emmett is good looking but I thought he was suppose to have slightly curly hair?? Rosalie, well all I can say is Thank Goodness they made her blonde. As for Edward, I 've always been a fan of the choice Robert Pattinson and I agree w/ Stephenie Meyers that he does look like a vampire {what ever there suppose to look like} and I think he's a really good match but in that last picture his face looked weird but over all I'm really happy and excited! If I saw them on the streets, I would stop an say that’s a really good looking family!

  3. I think emmett is supposed to have curly hair- isn't that why rosalie liked him? Because he had brown curly hair like that baby she new?

  4. When they said the Rachel Leigh Cook was going to play the dark haired girl (I think it's alice) I thought she was PERFECT! I'm sorry they didn't cast her.

  5. It's weird for me...I like them but they still aren't the REAL Cullen Family. I really don't know about Edward. I just keep hoping that his acting will make him devastatingly handsome like the Mr. Darcy's. I agree that Rosalie doesn't look anything like I wanted. Alice is great...Emmet has a LOT of hair. But I still have faith that on the screen they will pull it off and make us all more obsessed!

  6. More obsessed? I'm not sure that's possible. I already feel like a 13 year old girl at an n'sync concert...

  7. I agree, If I got anymore obsessed I think my family would "try" to ground me from reading. And if I was 13 again the posters on the wall would def. be Twilight LOL though I do have to admit, I had the N'Sync posters and I believe the concert count for them is 3!

    But, I also agree I don't think they could ever really come up w/ a true Cullen family but I think they'll give it justice. I just want to know what Stephenie Meyers thinks of the whole Cullen cast family.

  8. stephenie probably signed something when she sold the movie not to bash the cast or anything like that b/c that would hurt profits. And since she's getting a cut of the profits, I am sure we will only hear positive things from her. She's probably like us though- she we have to wait and see the movie to really form an opinion.
