Saturday, February 19, 2011

Love these

We were stuck inside this morning with some really nasty weather( well, by Arizona standards). So while the boys were making a fort I worked on these. I think they turned out pretty nice. I am going to try making them with colors and patterns tomorrow afternoon. I am picturing a whole wall of silhouettes. 
Can you tell which is Ethan and which is Tyler?


  1. VERY cute. I would guess Ethan top, Tyler bottom.

  2. Such neat pictures. I want to see the ones in color. I also think Ethan is the top one and tyler the bottom.

  3. Tyler's cute spikey hair is a dead giveaway! Too cute!

  4. turned out awesome! i love the frames you picked out too. can't wait to see them on your wall. :)

  5. Even in profile they are cuties. And I love those frames!
