Sunday, July 18, 2010

 Lynsey and I spent the weekend here. It was blissful.
I have been very blessed to know Lynsey. We met six years ago in Idaho...and have been friends ever since. There are a million things to love about this girl - but the one I love the most is her heart. She is one of the most thoughtful and loving women I know. Her gifts were the first received when I found out I was pregnant and when I found out I wasn't.  She has witnessed and supported me through some of the toughest experiences of my life. And to top it off...she's hilarious. When we get together we seem to spend most of our time laughing or crying.
This weekend was no exception...I had a wonderful time!
I made a list of words that will always help me remember the fun....what can I say - I am a woman who loves a good list.
Keywords: Sleeping In, Melting Pot, Boom Dip, Poolside, Music, Inception, Best Friend, Birthday, Sprinkles, Orson Welles, Dampness, Jugular, Silver Eyeshadow, Teddy Bears with Teeth, Cowboy Ciao, Fanny Pack, Movie Theater Photo Shoots, Pizzookie, Lynsey's American Flag Shorts, 115 and A Vaseline Face.

 Happy Birthday Lynsey!!!


  1. had the BEST time! i will also to the mix of descriptive words:

    lost bandaid
    frizzy hair
    anger release
    pina colada
    new jeans!
    bells palsy
    burning sand
    brandi carlile

    love ya drizz! thank you again!

  2. How fun! You two rock:) glad you have eachother and that you keep laughing:)
