Sunday, March 22, 2009

It's time for a good old fashioned update. I love to look back at old posts. My memory isn't what it once was...the pains of getting old...and so when I read what we were doing a year ago I am delighted...seriously its like I am rediscovering my life. I am looking into vitamins...I hear they help with memory. But until then - the blog is it.My memory. So...I know that in a year from now I will be so sad at my posting - or the lack thereof.

So here we go. All things Golding will now appear.

Ethan is growing up before my very eyes. Anyone who knows Ethan will be surprised at see, Ethan is shy. Painfully shy. He would rather swallow his own tongue before speaking to an adult. So it will surprise you that this kid is a CHATTERBOX around the house. I can not get him to stop talking. My favorite part is that he stands on inch from my face and talks right into my ear. Possible hearing damage may have occured. He loves numbers. "Momma, what number is bigger than a billion? If you add 6 billion + 42 million + 65 + 100 million-billion would number would you have? Do all big numbers have a zero? How many rocks are in our yard? A million - you think that's right, Momma?" It goes on and on and on until I start to get confused. My mind is filled with strange numbers. I dream of them. And he is still an artist. He draws on anything he can get his hands on. Today outside the grocery store a man was selling oil paintings. Ethan inspected them all like a little art critic complementing them on their colors and then he told me, " When I am an artist when I grow up I will paint you pictures just like this...( he then lowered his voice and said) but only, they will be much better!"

Tyler - I can't say that one's name and not get the biggest smile across my face. Tyler literally is such a fun part of my day. He is home with me all day while Ethan is at school and I am really liking haveing this alone time with him. Hands down my favorite part about Tyler is his little personality. He is a different breed. This little guys loves butter and will eat it by the spoonful. He thinks my neighbor

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