Monday, June 9, 2008

JUNE Challenge

Hey Everyone! I have been so absent on the last two challenges BUT I hope to be forgiven for that. May was such a stressful & busy month for me. My best friend is getting married in less then 25 days and so between work, church, nephew, and ENDLESS wedding plans--I’ve simply had no time for new reading. How sad is that! Anyway I sent a quick message to Andrea to take on the June challenge, so here it is.

Since I have been absent on the last two challenges, I am giving you two choices. You can decide which one you would rather do or you can do both.

Choice number 1 is an Autobiography! In stead of just calling myself just plain old nosy, I’d like to think I’m really good people person. Always finding out the facts & details. So I thought what better way then to learn something new about someone you don’t know, then to read their autobiography. There's SO many out there, in all different directions. I’m so excited to see who everyone picks.

Choice number 2 is anything pertaining to the Historical section. I have always LOVED time periods! They just fascinate me. Again this could go in so many different directions, so don’t limit your self to just one time area or culture or even category.

BUT WAIT….I have a twist for you all! What ever you decide to pick, you must do this. After you’ve read your book and come to review it on the book club…You must tell us a Little bit about yourself. Don’t think of this as a tag---this is NO tagging---This is only if you do choices 1 or 2. But, nobody really knows who I am since I randomly found this book club and I don’t know any of you. And Since the first choice is an autobiography, you could submit your own small autobiography along with your book review.
That way we all can get to know the book w/ the book reader.

Give us alittle write up on your self. Like if you had your own real autobiography, What would you want people to know? Also list Two Random facts about yourself. Two facts about the hometown you grew up in or consider yourself a native. Two Favorite things and two favorite book areas you enjoy to read the most.

I'm so excited to see what you all pick and to get to know everyone a litte bit! So consider yourself challenged and let's BEGIN!


  1. AWESOME challenge!!! I'm very excited.

  2. Sounds like fun - I think I'm going with Option #2 because there's a historical non-fiction I've been dying to delve into. Hope to be back soon to review it!
