Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Uglies Trilogy
Uglies, Pretties, and Specials
by: Scott Westerfeld

I wanted to read this trilogy when we had our sci-fi month but the library didn't have them in at the time. They are in the YA section, so it still fits for this month. I just finished with the 2nd book and I can't wait to go check out the final book.
It's about a world far in the future where when you turn 16, you have an operation where you turn pretty. Tally can't wait to turn pretty, when she no longer has to be known as ugly and when she finally gets to move to where all the other pretties live. But then she meets Shay who introduces her to a life where being pretty maybe isn't all it's cracked up to be. I couldn't put the books down and I can't wait until I see how it ends! I highly recommend these books, go check them out!


  1. What an original idea. They sound good. YA books are so fun!

  2. These sound so cool - I'm puting them on my Must Read list. Thanks for the review!
