Thursday, October 18, 2007

I've Heard that Song Before

This book was really good, just as all Mary Higgins Clark books are. This one is a little different because it is written in the first person, unlike her others. It also jumps around to different characters too. I had a tough time getting into it at first, but by the end I couldn't put it down. Great if you are looking for a good, clean, quick read.
Here is the jist from publisher's weekly:
Kay Lansing recalls her first visit as a six-year-old to the Carrington estate in Englewood, N.J., where her father worked as a landscaper. Twenty-two years later, she returns to ask the present owner, Peter Carrington, if she can use the mansion for a fund-raiser. The two fall madly in love, and after a whirlwind courtship, they marry despite the shadow of suspicion that hangs over Peter regarding the death of a neighbor's daughter two decades earlier and the drowning of his first wife four years before. After an idyllic honeymoon, the couple return to New Jersey, where a magazine article has caused the police to reopen the cases. The subsequent discovery of two bodies buried on the estate causes even Kay to doubt her husband's innocence. Clark (Two Little Girls in Blue) deftly keeps the finger of guilt pointed in many directions until the surprising conclusion.


  1. Looks so good! I will have to read this one as soon as my library pile is finished.

  2. I read that book. IT was really good. And it goes from one reason that they could have died to another and by the end it conpletely different then what you would have thought.

    And it was so wierd I was just coming on to type about that book.
